姓 名 | 余海斌 | 民 族 | 汉 | |||
身份证号码 | 学历/学位 | 博士 | ||||
毕业院校 | 南开大学 | 所学 专业 |
高分子物理与化学 | |||
工作单位 | 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 | 现从事工作 | ||||
通信地址 | 浙江省宁波市镇海区中官西路1219号 | 职称/职务 | 研究员 | |||
主要 技术 工作 经历 |
•2013.10-至今:中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,研究员 •2008.8 – 2013.9:Vertellus Specialty Inc,Greensboro, NC USA 应用技术与研发部首席研究员和技术主管。 •2006.8 – 2008.8:Bayer Material Science, LLC. Pittsburgh, PA USA 材料科学高级研究员 (2006-2008) 。 •2003.5 – 2006.8:International Specialty Chemicals, Calvert City, KY USA 化学反应和工艺工程研发实验室主任 (2003-2006) 及试验车间经理。 •2000.10 – 2003.5:BP Solar, Frederick, MD USA 资深科学家 (2000-2003) 。 •1997.5 – 2000.10:Reichhold, Inc. Research Triangle Park, NC USA 汽车胶粘剂首席科学家和技术总监 (1997-2000) 。 •2004.1 -2005.6:Murray State University, USA,Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business, 工商管理硕士 •2003.1 – 2003.12:Johns Hopkins University, USA, The Carey Business School, 学习工商管理 •1993.8 – 1997.5:University of Southern Mississippi, USA,Department of Polymer Science, 博士后 |
主要 获奖情况 |
中组部“千人计划”入选者,浙江省“千人计划”入选者 | |||||
论文 论著 |
[1]. 丁纪恒,刘栓,顾林,赵海超,余海斌. 自乳化环氧磷酸酯防腐涂料的制备和耐蚀性 能研究,材料保护 ,2015,48(6): 15-17. [2]. 丁纪恒,刘栓,顾林,赵海超,余海斌. 环氧磷酸酯/水性环氧涂层的耐蚀性能研究, 中国表面工程 ,2015,28(2): 126-131. [3]. 丁纪恒,顾林,赵海超,余海斌. 水性丙烯酸防腐涂料的研究进展,涂料技术与文摘, 2015,36(2): 37-43. [4]. Lin Gu, QingYun Wu, Haibin Yu. Toughening of Poly(propylene carbonate) by Carbon Dioxide Copolymer Poly(urethaneamine) via Hydrogen Bonding Interaction, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, 33(6): 838-849. [5]. Lin Gu, Shuan Liu, Haichao Zhao, Haibin Yu. Anticorrosive Oligoaniline-Contained Electroactive Siliceous Hybrid Materials, RSC Advances, 2015,: 56011-56019. [6]. Shuan Liu, Lin Gu*, Haichao Zhao, Haibin Yu. Corrosion resistance of graphene-reinforced waterborne epoxy coatings, Journal of Materials Science and Technology (Accepted). [7]. Lin Gu, Shuan Liu, Haichao Zhao, Haibin Yu. Facile Preparation of Water-dispersible Graphene Sheets and their Anticorrosion Coatings, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (Accepted). [8]. 刘栓,赵霞,赵海超,陈建敏,余海斌. H3PO4掺杂聚苯胺对碳钢的缓蚀性能研究[J]. 中国材料进展. 2015, Accepted. [9]. 刘栓,赵海超,余海斌,陈建敏. 石墨烯环氧涂层的耐磨耐蚀性能研究[J]. 摩擦学学报[J]. 2015, Accepted. [10]. Lin Gu, Jiheng Ding, Haibin Yu. Incorporation of reactive corrosion inhibitor in waterborne acrylic polyurethane coatings and evaluation of its corrosion performance, (To be Summited). [11]. 石朔,顾林,杨义浒,余海斌. 低分子量线形和星形聚乳酸及其共聚物多元醇的合成、 结构与性能研究, 高分子材料科学与工程(在投)。 [12]. 赵红冉,刘栓,苏胜培,余海斌. 2,3-二巯基丁二酸对铜的缓蚀性能研究[J]. 表面技术 (在投)。 [13].周楠,戴雷,史述宾,余海斌.改性硅溶胶的研究现状及进展[J].中国胶黏剂(在投)。 [14]. 史述宾,戴雷,周楠,余海斌.磷酸盐无机胶黏剂及其在涂料领域的应用[J].中国涂料 (在投)。 [15]. 刘栓,赵海超,顾林,戴雷,陈建敏,余海斌. 有机涂层/金属腐蚀无损检测技术研究 进展[J].电镀与涂饰, 2014, 33(22): 993-997. [16]. Haibin Yu, “Castor Oil Based Polyols and Plasticizers”, Adhesive and Sealant Council Spring Expo, (2012), Denver, CO. [17]. Haibin Yu and John Wohlgemuth, “太阳能电池封装技术进展 -- 实现了高性能和高 可靠性”光伏电池水渗入和高电压研讨会,美国国家可再生能源实验室,黄金城, 科罗拉多州,2001年3月21日至22日。 [18]. Haibin Yu, “水性纳米复合材料的粘合剂” 胶粘剂及密封剂委员会2000研讨会和博览会,拉斯维加斯,内华达州,2000年4月2日。 [19]. Haibin Yu, and et al., “Driving Innovation – Waterborne Nano Adhesives - New Technology Addresses Temperature and Humidity Issues for Automotive Adhesives.” Adhesives Age, Vol. 43 (6), 40, 43-44, 46, 2000。 [20]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu, Ming Wang, and T.P Schuman, “Dehydration of lesquerella oil”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (1995), 58(5), 943–950. [21]. Shelby Thames and Haibin Yu, “Synthesis, characterization, and application of lesquerella oil and its derivative in water-reducible coatings”, Journal of Coatings Technology, (1996), 68(858), 63-67. [22]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu, Thomas Schumann, and Ming Wang, “Acrylated lesquerella oil in ultraviolet cured coatings”, Progress in Organic Coatings, (1996), 28(4),299-305. [23]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu, and Ming Wang, “Dehydrated Lesquerella Oil in Melamine-Alkyd Coatings”, Industrial Crops and Products, [24]. Haibin Yu, “Oils and Coatings” and “Coatings Defects”. Chapters in Organic Surface Coatings, USM Textbook, Edited by Thames, Shelby F., (1996), Hattiesburg, MS. [25]. Shelby Thames and Haibin Yu, “Waterborne coatings derived from lesquerella oil”, Proceeding of Waterborne, High-Solids, and Powder Coatings Symposium, (1995), 22nd, New Orleans, LA, 362-372. [26]. Shelby Thames and Haibin Yu, “Epichlorohydrination of lesquerella oil”, Proceeding of International Waterborne, High-Solids, and Powder Coatings symposium, (1996), 23rd, , New Orleans, LA, 1996, 189-221. [27]. Shelby Thames and Haibin Yu, “Novel polyols from lesquerella oil for polyurethane coatings”, Proceeding of International Waterborne, High-Solids, and Powder Coatings Symposium, 23rd, (1996), New Orleans, LA, 78-91. [28]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu, and Ming Wang, “Air-dry primer coatings from dehydrated lesquerella oil”, Industrial Crops and Products, (1997), 6(2), 169-175. [29]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu, and Ming Wang, “Cationic UV-cured coatings of epoxide-containing vegetable oils”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 115, Issues 2–3, 18 July 1999, Pages 208-214. [30]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu and et al., “Surfactants and fatty acids: plant oils – lesquerella oil”, Editor(s): Kaplan, David L. Biopolymer. Renewable Resource. (1998), 249-280. Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Germany. [31]. Shelby Thames, M.O. Bautista, Haibin Yu, K.G. Panjnani, and Ming Wang, “ Lesquerella: renewable resource for industrial coatings and polyurethane foams”, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. (1996), 41(Materials and Process Challenges: Aging Systems, Affordability, Alternative Applications, Book 2), 1191-1202. [32]. Shelby Thames, Haibin Yu, and Ramesh Subramanian “Cationic ultraviolet curable coatings from castor oil”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2000), 77(1), 8–13. |
nbria 发表于 2016-05-16 11:22:15 来源:宁波市橡胶协会 阅读次数 次